Nicole Luongo shares the success formula she applied after selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) surgery. Follow her simple advice to achieve anything in life. Ability + Motivation + Attitude = The Secret to Success!
Cerebral Palsy
From SDR Surgery to Rock Climbing!
I recently purchased a Living Social deal for four indoor rock climbing sessions. I’ve never done it before, so I have to get ready! Jon, my physical therapist at Plantation Medical Rehab & Wellness, created this contraption. Unfortunately, the volume on my camera stinks so you may not be able hear him explaining what we
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Cerebral Palsy
SDR UPDATE – TEN WEEKS POST-OP: Here I am jumping for joy in physical therapy (PT) at Plantation Medical Rehab & Wellness. Although I could jump before the surgery (not sure if I could jump up on a step), I would not have been able to do this three weeks ago due to lack of