I went to see “The Vow” today. The movie is inspired by true events. It tells the story of a young married couple (Leo and Paige, played by Channing Tatum + Rachel McAdams, respectively) whose lives are turned upside down when the Paige suffers a traumatic brain injury as a result of a car crash and doesn’t remember her husband. Although the movie wasn’t as good as it could have been, it depicted true love at its best. I’ve never been married so I wonder:
Who will
vow to love me
now and forever
when we are
old and gray
until the end
of our days
Who will
vow to love me
to fight for me
in sickness and health
foreclosure and wealth
good days, bad moods
arguments, disappointments
Who will
vow to love me
just as I am?
Will you?
(c) Nicole Luongo
The poem Remember Me was also inspired by the movie!
This is great. I want to see the movie now that I know it’s decent
While I expected to really like the movie, it was just okay. I would definitely recommend it if you are a romantic like me. :-))
Oh Nicloe, you will certainly find your true love who do all those things for you and more, if you haven’t found him already. I love this poem.
Thank you. I have not found my true love. Still waiting…and, I’m nearly 40!!
Nicole, don’t worry about age girl! Age aint nothing but a number right!
Your true love will come along and when he does, you’ll be ready as long as you’re willing to be the same for him as you expect him to be for you.
In the meantime, enjoy your single life and live it up!
Thanks, Kesha. From your lips to God’s ears!!
Hi fellow blogger, I just nominated you for the very inspiring blog award. Check it out- http://www.boomiebol.wordpress.com. Enjoy
Thank you! I sent you a reply.
I saw the trailer during commercial breaks on TV and I would like to watch it when it premiers here! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! Let me know what you think of the movie when you see it. Where do you live?