Success after SDR
Ever since I had Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery on March 29, 2013, inquiring minds want to know if it was a success. I made it through the three hour operation without any complications. I worked hard to regain my stamina and strength in hourly physical therapy (PT) sessions, three times a week. Plus, I did daily PT exercises for my hamstrings, heel cords, and hip flexor muscles – the three areas Dr. Park recommended I focus on after the operation. People marvel at how much better I walk now, often saying, “It’s a miracle!” Sounds successful, right? It depends.
What is Success?
I ask this question because the definition of success is subjective, based on personal feelings and opinions. Every SDR journey is unique. Each patient has her own starting point, as well as personal milestones she’d like to accomplish. Here’s the secret to success – AMA: Ability, Motivation, Attitude. Let’s delve into the three components of AMA.
The Success Formula
1. Ability: The capacity to do something. You must have the necessary skills and/or talents in order to achieve a goal. Let’s say, for example, that you want to play shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. You need to be honest about your ability to play major league baseball. Do you have the physical prowess necessary to succeed? Wanting to do something and being able are to do it are two vastly different concepts. I practiced j(with the aide of a gait belt and my awesome therapist, Jon) jumping on a trampoline, then on the ground, before jumping from the ground onto a step. Based upon my performance on the trampoline, etc., Jon knew I had the ability – the necessary skills (balance, muscle strength,etc.) to jump onto the step.
2. Motivation: The desire to do something. You can have all the ability in the world, but without strong desire – or motivation – nothing will happen. First of all, motivation starts and ends with you. Only you know why you want to achieve or do something. Use your desire to fuel the motivation to achieve success. Motivation inspires action. Action propels success! Like the definition of success, our sources of motivation are also subjective. Know what motivates you and use it to succeed! My motivation for having SDR surgery includes learning how to ride a bike, preventing further deterioration (and, possibly, a wheelchair, later in life) of my body due to cerebral palsy. I also (this revelation came after SDR) didn’t want to be stared at in public because of the way I walk. My gait improved so much that this is now a reality!
3. Attitude: A way of thinking typically reflected in a person’s behavior. The way you think – your attitude – determines how you’ll behave. If you think you can do something, you’re right. If you think you can’t do something, you’re still right…unfortunately. My PT reminded me to tell myself (after tentative attempts) I was going to jump on the step. As a result, it worked! Go ahead – have an attitude! It’s essential to your success.
Apply AMA, Achieve Anything!
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz
AMA: Ability + Motivation + Attitude = The Secret to Success! AMA works every time. There is no quick fix. There is no short cut. You cannot fail when you apply these tried-and-true principles. Take inventory of your abilities, talents, and know what motivates you. Get an attitude and believe in yourself! If you use the AMA mantra with dedication and hard work to achieve your goals — success will be guaranteed!
Well done!
Thank you, Patrick! You are one of my AMA role models!
SMILE= Success, Miracles, Inspiration, Love and Enthusiasm
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Kathy! Keep SMILING!
Thank you, Rosy!
Nicole – you are a prolific writer – I love the examples of ability, motivation and attitude – and you definitely have all 3! ROCK ON my dear sister/Godchild!!!
Thanks, Laurie. I will take video of a PT session, soon. I was sweating just thinking about jumping on that step…but, I did it! I will ROCK ON when I go rock climbing soon…God, help me! LOL!
You are amazing!
Thank you, Denise! I hope you’re doing well!
Nicki – I love your website, the addition of graphics for YooCan and CP You Tube Channel.