• White House Cerebral Palsy Awareness Response

    Disability advocate Nicole Luongo shares what happened when she wrote to The White House about Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month + SDR, a life-changing surgery for adults and children with cerebral palsy. Follow her tried-and-true tips to get your cause noticed.

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  • Overcoming Odds with Para Athlete Ryan Raghoo

    Nicole Luongo talks about overcoming odds with Ryan Raghoo, international athlete, speaker and founder of Enabled Not Disabled. Tune in to find out how exercise can help people with cerebral palsy and/or other disabilities, the link between mental health issues + more!

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  • Celebrating Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

    Disability advocate Nicole Luongo is celebrating Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month by sharing 31 facts for each day of the month about the most common disability in childhood. Show your support by wearing green all month and on March 25, National CP Awareness Day in the United States.

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