White House Cerebral Palsy Awareness Response

Writing to The White House

In 2016, I e-mailed The White House to raise awareness for cerebral palsy, the most common physical disability in childhood. What better way to do that than light up President’s Palace in green? 

Cerebral palsy deserves to be recognized in the media, so I wrote to President Obama about my SDR story + Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. I asked POTUS to wear green on National CP Awareness Day, March 25, and to send me a picture!

The White House in my Mailbox?

Excitement rose after clicking send, but as time went by, I almost forgot about it…until THIS arrived  in the mail, along with a typed letter. I never expected a response. WOW! Talk about an OMG moment!

White House Response Regarding Cerebral Palsy Awareness
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

I write to a lot of people. It’s challenging to get anyone to reply, let alone one from the highest office in the land. My experience proves that if you “try, try and try again,” you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Tips for Getting Attention for a Cause

So, what can you do to get attention for a cause? If you’re not seeing results with your approach, think outside the box. A tried-and-true tip: Demonstrate a personal connection with the brand and/or person you contact. Celebrities, corporations and high-profile people are bombarded daily on social media — from direct messages, private messages, tweets.

It’s important to be memorable. The goal is for people to stop, not scroll past your efforts. Do everything you can to correspondence stand out. Hard work pays off. Remember to be patient. And, don’t forget to check your mailbox, e-mail, or any other inbox, including spam — or, you might miss the response of your dreams. Good luck and let me know what arrives in YOUR mailbox!

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