• Walk This Way

    “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” — Andrew Carnegie Opinions are like… These days, it seems everyone has an opinion on just about anything. I do not have a problem with people expressing their thoughts on a particular topic. I have a problem

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  • LIFE: The Naked Truth

    It’s easy to wonder what life would be like if we were granted do overs; a chance to re-create memories so they play out the way we want.  I often fantasize about such moments.  I wonder who I would be, what my life would look like today if I had the chance to do over

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  • LOVE: The Naked Truth

    I’ve always been a romantic. I love the idea of being loved and being in love, although I’ve never experienced the truly, madly, deeply kind of love. The youngest of eleven children, the baby, born with cerebral palsy, you’d think I’ve experienced familial love of epic proportions. My family is so dysfunctional, we make the

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