Fighting Your CP Lion with Matt Rich

Fighting Your CP Lion with Matt Rich

I’m talking about fighting your CP Lion with Matt Rich. Matt has participated in six one-mile races and seven 5K races, he holds a green belt in karate, he has been a personal trainer, he has released a music album, and he’s a motivational speaker. What a busy guy!

Fighting Your CP Lion with Matt Rich Fighting Your CP Lion with Matt Rich

You’ll hear about things like…

  • Why his determination to walk earned him the nickname “Superman”
  • How faith + a mindset shift helped him fight his CP lion
  • The meaning of cerebral palsy
  • Using Facebook in a positive way to advocate for CP
  • Why “inspiration porn” may not be such a bad term + how to use it as a tool

In addition, we talked about what Matt does when negative thoughts creep in, why CP Awareness Month doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Check out the interview below:

Links from the Interview

Watch Matt walk!



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